
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Puppy Shower

After my 7 minutes of Burpees (YAY BURPEES!) WOD on Friday night
I headed to a Girls Night party hosted by some of my coworkers.
I was a little worried because I was a sweaty, nasty, still-in-my-gym-clothes mess, but they still let me in the house. ;)

The girls (super fantastic, awesome, sweet girls) that I work with (TOTALLY) surprised me and threw me a
for miss Olivia Ann.

yup, you read that right.
like a baby shower, but for my puppy.

Let me back up a little bit...

Earlier in the week our office had a baby shower for two girls in my office.
It's an ongoing joke (that never gets old - hardy har har) that everyone is waiting for me to get pregnant.
so when someone asked, "When is it gonna be your turn?"
I very matter-of-factly said, "I'm still waiting for my puppy shower."

so... they listened.
and completely surprised me!

Huge thanks to Kathy, Jenny, Whit-dawg, LindsAy, LindsEy, Lisa, Sandee, Michelle and my Momma.
Whit even made a fake invitation.
so amazing.

 the goodies!
Olivia got a pink hoodie, a special cookie (which must have had doggie crack in it, because she went NUTS when we gave her a piece), a chewy bone, lint roller, toothbrush, bacon treats, and pooper-scooper baggies and a holder.

 the pink hoodie and cookie.
I was so excited.
Can you imagine what I'll be like when I actually get pregnant??

 As soon as I got home I immediately tried to put the hoodie on Olivia.
I guess she's a little bigger than I thought.

it was just a little snug.
(and that's a bone in her mouth, not her paw...)

Luckily, we were able to exchange her hoodie for a pretty pink sweater.
isn't she darling??

 Unfortunately... she wasn't a fan.
the sweater had loops for the back legs, kind of like a jock strap, but pink.
she did NOT like those straps.

once we took them off, she was a little better...
the fact that Diz was holding treats over my head had NOTHING to do with her posing perfectly.
nope... nothing. ;)

Anyone else ever get a puppy (or kitty) shower?
Do you dress your puppy in clothes?


  1. Oh MY GOODNESS! Ash, that is TOO cute!! What a nice surprise!

  2. Ash, I am seroiusly laughing out loud at your puppy shower. Ommmmggggg.

  3. That has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time!

  4. A puppy shower!! I love it!! Great idea (even if it was supposed to be funny!) :)

  5. I didn't have a puppy shower for my pups, but THAT is a super adorable idea! I love your pup - so cute!! :) The pictures a great.

    Mine just have winter coats that they wear if we are going to be out in the snow! :)

  6. Totally made my day. :) You have some pretty awesome friends. That sweater is quite possibly the cutest thing ever. love it.

  7. omg, you all are TOO adorbs!

    I can't believe how quickly Olivia is growing! She's a gorgeous puppy!

    No puppy shower for Jetta; we manage to spoil her enough on a regular basis that it's not a loss.

    Jetta's not a fan of clothing. I can't reliably get booties on her yet to take her for walks in the cold. I haven't yet been able to convince her that we'd walk far more in the brrr-cold weather if she wore them.

    But the little "flap-flap" noise her hind feet make for the 1/2 block I can get her to walk in them is worth it because it's so darned cute. That and watching her try to get *both* hind legs off the ground at once because she's irritated by the boots... It's the cutest thing. I keep thinking I should get her a coat. But I'm not entirely sure how well she'd tolerate it.

    Can't wait to meet you when you come to the Cities!

    Kelly @ Dream. Strive. Succeed.
    @kellybeeeee on Twitter

  8. Sooo cute!! They are awesome to have done that for your new pup :)
