
Friday, May 4, 2012

Color Me Rad Recap

Last weekend, Diz and I ran the Color Me Rad 5k.
and we had a BLAST!

so pretty and clean
(with the lovely portapotties in the background. ya!)

right after I pelted Diz with color. ;)
he had some in his teeth too. 
He said he could smell the cornstarch all weekend. 
He must have inhaled as he got pelted, he thinks it was stuck in his sinuses. LOL.

The race went pretty smooth. 
Since we were trying to meet up with some friends, we took a later wave and ended up in a log jam at the first color station, so we just skipped it and continued on.

The color stations were awesome!
They had 5 gallon buckets full of colored cornstarch and sprayers with some sort of paint.
And they were definitely using them.
We learned to keep our mouths shut after our first color station. ;)

This was such a fun, HIGH energy run. 
I LOVED that it was un-timed, just "HAVE A GREAT TIME" kind of run.

I left the garmin and ipod at home.
Diz and I ran with Rachelle and her sister, Amber and somehow managed to not get ANY pictures together.

Luckily, I did get to see THIS GIRL!!
I miraculously found Becky after the race!
They missed the exit so we said we'd meet up after the race.
She called me and I told her I was the one covered in color. ;)
It was one of those "I'm waving at you, can you see me?!" conversations. 

I don't know what happened?! :)

look at how gross our hands are! 
I thought I'd have green hands forever! 

The majority of the color came off pretty easily once I got into the shower. 
Remarkably, my hair was blonde after a few shampoos. 
My face and hands were the worst.
I basically scrubbed my face raw in some spots because some of the blue paint (like the stuff on my hands) wouldn't come off. So by mid week my face was peeling in sections. :/
and I still have some color in my nail beds. 
But other than that, a little soap and water (and some elbow grease), no one knew I had run the Color Me Rad 5k that day. 

I would definitely run the Color Me Rad race again next year! 
It was SO much FUN!

Check out some of their other locations HERE
if you have never done a color run, DO IT!
Add it to your race bucket list and DO IT! :)

**disclaimer - Color Me Rad provided Diz and I with free race entries, but the opinions here are my own, and I swear on the bible, we had a DAMN good time!**


  1. Aw that looks like fun!!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!! This looks like a blast. You two are the cutest things in the whole world. I am so glad you had so much fun and I am totally joining you next year:) WHEN CAN I SEE YOU?

  3. Ahhhhh I just love it! It was such a fun race! I was seriously concerned that blue was never going to come off my face, but luckily a good scrub in the shower solved the problem. I will DEFINITELY run it again. So fun!

  4. I love this!! It looks like you had so much fun! Also totally awesome that Diz ran it with you. He totally gets +547283398457 husband points.

  5. I am so jealous of these races, it looks like a blast!

  6. So much fuN!!! I love, love, loved running with you and Diz. Seriously best race ever.

    Sorry we completely dissapeared after. My parents showed up with all four of the kids and were afraid to bring them to the finish line with all of the chaos. haha!

  7. I love, love LOVE the race recap and I am SO JEALOUS that you and Becky got to do it together!!
