
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

American Fork Canyon Half Marathon - Recap

Last weekend we ran the American Fork Canyon Half Marathon.
Josh and I ran this race last year and we LOVED it and we convinced my Mom to run it this year.
We made tanks (and a shirt for Josh) for this year's race too. 
My cousin Leslie helped us out with some COOL iron on's in neon pink and white.
the designs really POPPED on the bright blue tanks and Josh's black shirt. 
We ran in honor of my Grandma Marge. 

me & momma

Our running BFF, Joanna (aka JoJo), ran too. 
I was going to try to keep up with them... but they took off and I couldn't keep up. LOL

Momma, JoJo, and me
I was initially going to run with Janae, but because of all the nasty fires and smoke in the air, she decided to sit this race out and keep her be-be safe. :)

I decided I just wanted to have a good time while running this race.
I just wanted to be comfortable (aka no chest pain like Ogden).
I wanted to feel strong.
I wanted to have fun!!!

And I did!!
Never had to stop and walk, except through the water stops - 
which is what I normally do - no running and drinking, I'd drown.
Never had to stop and potty - HUGE success. lol.
Never had any chest pain or felt that uncomfortable pressure in my chest.

Last year I made the mistake of letting myself go on the downhill portion and I tanked at mile 9.
I tried to hold myself back a little and I think it definitely paid off. 
Could I have pushed a little harder? Probably...
But I didn't. And I'm OKAY with that.
I really had such a GREAT time running this race.

I took the time to read every sign on the side of the road.
Think about my Grandma and other loved ones who have been affected by cancer.
Thank the volunteers and police officers.
Wave at spectators.
High five the little kids.
and I chicked a guy right at the finish line! WOOT!

no, that's not back fat... it's my spibelt. ;)
I'm beginning to realize something...
I think I'm over RACING...
Don't get me wrong... I don't want to STOP racing.
I just want to stop being obsessed with PRing at races.
I said it before, and I'm saying it again, I want to LOVE running again.
I'm tired of KILLING myself, physically and mentally, over training/running.

After Ogden Marathon, I just really didn't WANT to run.
But I knew I had to get some mileage in for the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay
from May 20th to June 14th I ran a total of 37.5 miles. 
Which... is not much, considering I used to maintain weekly mileage between 20-30miles.

Between Ragnar and this race, I ran 3 miles on Thursday.
and really, if I'm being honest... it was more like a 1 mile run with 2 miles of run/walking. 
It was after work and HOT as hell. 

and I still finished this race in a respectable time. 
I think I'm finally finding a balance of running and CrossFit. 
I'm (re)learning how to LOVE running again! YAY!

and if any of you care - here are my splits: 

Oh yeah... In case you didn't know, my Momma is a BAMR!
(Bad Ass Mother Runner)
she placed second in her age group! WOO WOO!
She finished in 1:45! (it might even be a PR!)


if you are my FB friend, or follow me on THE TWITTERS, or instagram
you've seen this pic...

but if you haven't - you're welcome

Diz was parading around like a peacock in his new shirt.
He got stopped by at least 5 people asking to take his picture.
Asking where he got his shirt. If I made the shirt.
If y'all want to know... I bought Diz's shirt from RunningTshirtsOnline.
My friend, Hannah, mentioned it in a comment a few posts back and I knew I had to buy it.
I gave it to Diz for our anniversary. 
Isn't the 4th year gift supposed to be classy tshirts?? no? 
well, damn. 

P.S. Can I tell you how much I love the online blogging-running-dailymile community?
I saw SO many friends while running this race!
Met Lydia from DailyMile (though I made it super awkward - "ummm.... what's your name?!")
Saw Susette, Rachelle (who paced my brother - who PR'd with 1:37!!), Julia, and Kim (my Weight Watchers leader). Loved seeing all the familiar faces! :) :)


  1. That was a really good blog. im real happy you're finding Ashley the run/crossfit er again. love ya lil sis.

  2. LOVE Diz's shirt...I may have to get my husband one as well. Congrats on having a fun and good race!

  3. Love the shirt! Now I wish I did marathons just so I could get that for my nonrunner hubby.

    Good for you running it and just having a good time. I think you'll get back to liking running a lot more if you take the seriousness out and have fun with it.

  4. Ahhhh!!! You make me laugh. What a funny t-shirt. What a great race recap and I love your thinking about running to just enjoy it. Good for you. YOU and YOUR MAMA are both amazing women!

  5. You ran such a smart race Ash and you totally rocked it!! And more importantly you looked great doing it. Love the shirts, love the arm sleeves, and dam it I freaking lover Diz's shirt. Best. idea. ever.

  6. LOVE THIS RACE RECAP!!! So, so, so, SO GLAD you had such a positive race experience!! :)

  7. Nice work! That's a great time :)

  8. I was a volunteer and saw this shirt at the race and I laughed out loud! Just came across your blog. I love it! Way to go on the race!!

  9. Ashley - You don't know me, I'm just a blog-stalker ... but I really love your blog! So I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award. Congratulations! If you wish to receive it, it's kind of like a chain letter - you have do some things and then forward it along. 1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
    2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
    3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
    4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
    5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.

    Congrats! Hopefully you're not offended by this, because I'm sure you have more than 200 followers, but I really enjoy reading your blog and wanted to pass it on. Thanks for blogging!

  10. Haha! You're husband's shirt is awesome.
