This Friday I’m headed up to SLC to run the Legacy Midnight Run 10k with my BFF (aka b4L), Jessica.
(this pic is 4 years old!
this just means we will be taking LOTS of pics before, during, and after the race!!)
This will be her first 10k and I couldn’t be MORE excited for her.
as a runner, there is NOTHING better than seeing someone you care about become a 'runner'.
I LOVE it!
I have a feeling I may cry (again) out of happiness and pride for this huge accomplishment of her's.
Remember when I ranted and raved about her FIRST 5k?!
I am so THRILLED that she is choosing a healthy lifestyle and making huge changes!
She's freakin' AMAZING and has lost 19.4 lbs in the last 7 weeks!
I am SO proud of her!
and I know I'll be even MORE proud after our race Friday night!
any of my local friends running this race??
this will be my first "night" race! kinda excited! :)
Yay Love it!! Good luck and have so much fun. :)