
Monday, August 20, 2012

Hobble Creek Half Marathon Recap

We ran the Hobble Creek Half Marathon on Saturday.
My Mom and Joanna had a goal to come in under 1:45, 
Josh wanted to PR, 
and I just wanted to look good while I ran. ;)

and ALL of us accomplished our goals!
Ya BABY! That's what's up! ;)

outfit: Costco tank, Team Sparkle Skirt (with my LuLu skirt underneath - it has shorts built in), 

I waited for the crowds to cross the start line and took off. 
I really like doing that at chip-timed races because it gives me the freedom to move easily for the first mile - rather than fight through crowds and get caught up with a faster pace group and end up going out too fast.
I kept my pace fairly steady for the entire race (right around 9:00 min mile) and only walked through the water stops and a few pit stops to adjust my skirt/shorts. ;)
I felt good through the entire race, gu'd at mile 6 and mile 10.
I knew I was gonna be close to 2 hours and really wanted to come in under 2:00, so when I hit the 12 mile marker, I picked up my pace. I think I passed more people in that mile than during the entire race. 
I saw Lindsay and my Mom & Joshie out of the corner of my eye as I was passing by the park to the finish.
My Mom jumped in with me for a bit and ran with me, but I spotted a guy in front of me and took off to try to beat him. He must have heard me coming because he sped up too! I couldn't quite catch him! lol. But I certainly tried! :)

I finished in 2:00:18
(overall 9:10 pace)

this bad ass mother runner ^^^
finished in 1:43!!
a 2 minute PR!!
and looked dang cute in her LuLu skirt!

She ended up in 5th place in her age group.
Last year - she placed top 3 with a slower time!
so this year... there were some SPEEDY mother runners!

Joanna was right in front of my Momma and finished in 1:42!!

and this BAD ASS brother runner
finished with a screamin' time of 1:35!!
and a 5 min PR!!!
I am so proud of him!
He is kickin' butt this summer!
AND he finished in the Top 100 males - so he got a special elite medal!

(p.s. LADIES - he's single and ready to mingle... anyone interested?!) 

Huge thanks to Miss Lindsay who came out to be our official finish line photographer!
I just LOVE that girl. She has always been so supportive of us and credits us for getting her into running. I can't wait til she races again so we can be there for HER. :)
love ya girl!

Did anyone else run Hobble Creek?
Were you as excited as we were that it ACTUALLY started on time?!
It was a race day MIRACLE! ;)
Anyone else ever race in a skirt?
I think I'm obsessed. I need to start rockin' my TeamSparkle skirts at CrossFit. :)


  1. Super time bad ass sis. missed you today. see you tomorrow.

  2. There were some super fast people this year. My dad usually places. This year he was fourth in his age category. The winner of his category, male 60-64, ran it in 1:29. What? That is crazy fast. Glad you had a good race. I accomplished the looking good so I consider it a success.

  3. What an amazing race! You all did unreal. How on earth do you all look so gorgeous after 13 miles of all of that running? Congratulations!

  4. Awesome half marathon! Congratulations. Your mom is a rock star!!!

  5. Congrats on a great finish! Love the sparkle skirt! too cute!

  6. Wow, you guys all did AWESOME!! I'm so sad we didn't see you guys. Great job on your race :)

  7. Great job on your race! I'd say you definitely killed your goal- you look fantastic for post 13.1 miles!! :)
